About Ipico - Our System

chartIPICO Sports offers the latest technology in timing and tracking solutions - from tags, mats, readers and software, to a variety of real-time communication options. But high-tech doesn't mean complex. The systems are simple to transport and set up and easy to use. And every system is supported by the IPICO Sports team, made up of experts in the active sports industry.

Data Capture
Capturing data is always a challenge; doing it in a race environment can be even more difficult. Tags and readers must perform while dealing with motion, distance, crowding, and a variety of materials and spectrums. IPICO Sports tracking and timing hardware is simple and easy to use, while offering performance advantages over alternative technologies when dealing with challenging environments.

The IPICO Sports data capture system is very simple. The Sportag contains a microchip and two antenna loops-one to "wake-up" the tag and the other to send its signal. When the tag comes into contact with the antenna mat, it wakes up and starts sending its unique signal again and again to the reader, which stores volumes of data to be managed and communicated.

The IPICO IP-X Dual Frequency RFID platform overcomes the limitations experienced by conventional Reader-Talk-First protocols in these environments. We combine two technologies: Dual Frequency (DF) and the IP-X RFID air interface with passive tags to create an unmatched low cost offering in the timekeeping market.

dataThe benefits:
- DF can read tags in very high moisture environments. Because sports and moisture go hand in hand, either as part of the sporting event or simply in the human body, removing this obstacle is essential.
- DF is a combination of low frequency and high frequency, taking the best properties of both. That means passive tags are energized at long distances, while tag IDs are received at high speeds.
- The passive tags are energized at 125KHz, allowing a long range charge-up, and they backscatter their IDs at 6.8MHz, allowing for fast read rates.
- IP-X is a reliable anti-collision protocol, which allows high volumes of tags to be read simultaneously. Multiple readers can co-exist in close proximity without interfering with each other.
- Tags and readers on the IP-X platform are optimized to work together for maximum performance.
- Our IP-X non-modulating readers can share the same frequency band, enabling IPICO technology to operate at full potential in most countries with as little as 200 kHz to 2 MHz bandwidth,eliminating spectrum issues.

Data Management
Collecting data is only the beginning; it's what you do with that data that makes a difference. IPICO Sports delivers information in a format that's the most meaningful to each audience - race directors, spectators, athletes, coaches, the media and more. Our software solutions are customized, so you get to choose the way your data is handled.

We'll help you:
- Manage volumes of information.
- Turn information into accurate, meaningful performance data.
- Present results in the format that is most useable to you and your variety of audiences.

Each athlete has a unique identification associated with his or her Sportag. Once data has been collected, our software pulls the timing information off the readers in the field and uses a number of filters to deliver searchable data: by name, split time, bib number, location, team and more.

IPICO Sports turnkey timing and tracking solutions not only collect and manage performance data, but also instantly communicate detailed results to spectators, the media and the athletes themselves. Our system offers more and better access to information in a variety of formats, including:
- Friendly interfaces via computer
- Display boards
- On-site kiosks
- Text messages to cell phones
- Web sites

Race announcers have immediate access to split times, up-to-the-minute team standings and other athlete information so they can provide a more enjoyable experience for spectators. Event planners can deliver instant results as participants cross the finish line. Or athletes can set up personal databases that hold results from all events timed and tracked by IPICO Sports.